While there may not be traditional proms and graduation ceremonies for the class of 2020, there will be still be something special.
Pavanne Hawkes has organized a graduation parade for all grade 12 students in Cobourg, and she tells us more.
Everyone is being asked to meet in the parking lot of the Northumberland Mall at 2 p.m. for a parade through town that will end at the Cobourg Community Centre.
Hawkes says as someone who spent a year’s wages on a prom dress and months planning her own day when she was 18, she knew she had to get something together so these students can where their prom outfits and be celebrated.
Students are encouraged to also decorate their vehicles for the parade, and the community is encouraged to watch the parade and congratulate these grads.
You’ll find information about the parade and a map of the route the parade will take Saturday by visiting https://www.facebook.com/events/3039615142758209/permalink/3044277802291943/.