The Municipality of Port Hope approved its 2021 budget at council last Tuesday (Dec 15).
$4.2 million of the overall budget is dedicated to projects, initiatives, and services that the community has requested, both through the Municipality’s strategic planning process, as well as throughout the proposed 2021 budget consultation process.
Mayor Bob Sanderson touches on some highlights.
Sanderson says the budget allows for some adjustments as well to help out on things like Float Your Fanny Down the Ganny.
Sanderson adds that it takes a long time to get to the approval process and he is confident with the budget.
Here’s more of a look at what services the 2021 budget provides the delivery of and other project highlights:
>$2.8M in Strategic Plan advancements, including a new playground at Wladyka Park, $1.3M towards the development of a new Seniors Centre (pending approval of federal funding), trail paving, affordable housing considerations, including as part of Zoning By-law and Official Plan Reviews, and a municipal service delivery review, among other Strategic Plan initiatives.
>$1.2M in additional community interest items, including rural road resurfacing, the design of the Rose Glen Road reconstruction project, support for municipal communications, pedestrian crosswalks implementation, and increased tree planting throughout the community, among other community interest items.
>$75,000 in new funding for additional council initiatives, which can be applied at the discretion of Council to further advance strategic initiatives throughout 2021.
The full agenda, staff reports and recordings of previous meetings are available on the council portal at