Port Hope Council is getting a raise, if they’re re-elected.
Council spent the better part of an hour on the topic of salaries, debating the merits of attracting new councillors with a competitive salary as well as creating a process, comparing salaries to similar municipalities and even what the public should expect in return for their investment.
CAO David Smith was concerned that any decision council made be justifiable.
Mayor Sanderson defended the idea of an increase.
Sanderson added that the increase amount, in terms of the overall budget, was negligible.
In the end a recorded vote was called for and the motion passed 4 to 3 with Councillors Lees, Mink and Mayor Sanderson voting against.
Base salaries starting December 1st will be raised by 27% to $30,000 for councillors, and by 18% to $36,000 for the deputy mayor and $68,800 for the mayor.